Monday, May 25, 2015

(New) Peep "A Shadow Man Story" By John Pirillo, artwork, stories, videos at

Peep is a trip into the unusual and twisted. A thrill ride, but one that challenges beliefs and what is sane and insane.

I used to watch Thriller and Tales from the Darkside as a kid and I always liked the way they had some kind of morality and scary premise that always twisted a bit at the end, or at least opened up a door of a different kind of thinking.

It's so easy for us to assume that everyone, everywhere is the same, and actually though we have many things in common, most are quite different, even if similar to each other.

This story kind of popped into my head, because I thought what if the crazies in the story weren't evil, but just...well, twisted in some way...had a different agenda. I wasn't about to judge them or say they were evil...but maybe in such a large world of possibilities as ours, they were...well,unique.

Anyway, read the story and judge for yourself.

I've posted it at my author site. I used to post everything everywhere, but I'm trying to focus each site more so that each is unique.

Someday, I may merge all the blogs into one, but if I do, it will be in a way that everything complements everything else. Tough job I suspect. Meanwhile, take a thrilling ride along with The Shadow Man in "Peep" on my author site.



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